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Norman Shelley Hernick has always had an interest in real estate. Over 40 years ago, he began his career by buying up a property and dividing it into 3 rental units. Inspired by that successful venture, Norman continued buying properties, eventually growing his empire with more complex and larger scaled projects, such as land assembly for developmental purposes.

His father was an entrepreneur and Norman grew up in an environment of being around businessmen. Over the years, his drive and determination have been very important to his success. Norman earned his BA in business from Western University, but his knowledge and skills came from the street along with the mistakes he made along the way.

The reason he is drawn towards the world of real estate is the knowledge that he is creating something that will live beyond himself, possibly handed down to the next generation. It’s a great way to provide for his family and to leave his mark on the world. While the majority of his properties lie in the Toronto area, he has also owned buildings in Houston and Calgary.

Norman is no longer involved in the direct ownership of real estate. He has instead decided to take a new direction. He made the change to concentrate on the commercial lending side of real estate. One of his businesses, Continental Capital, arranges mortgage loans on larger commercial properties all over Canada. His company is known as the tough deals specialists because they are successful in funding the toughest deals in situations where other lenders have turned them down. Norman is a problem solver and enjoys the challenge of getting funding for transactions that have been turned down by many others. They have a national network of licensed mortgage brokers who refer funding requests to them regarding properties throughout the country. Eventually, his goal is to have his company become a mortgage investment company. He sees a future where they fund hundreds of transactions that others have refused to fund due to location or the type of asset.

Norman Shelley Hernick enjoys helping people and solving their financial issues. His integrity and strong work ethic are the reasons he will never get involved with loans with terms so strict that the borrower could lose their property with the smallest thing goes wrong. His goal is to structure deals in such a way that the lender is protected, yes, but the borrower has improved their situation and will be able to support the loan.

When he isn’t working or spending time with family, Norman is an avid reader. He keeps up with the daily goings-on regarding business and economic trends so he is always current.